

Friday, October 20th

07:30AM – 08:15AM

101 – Best Ab Exercises on the Planet (WO) by Mindy Mylrea

Go creative crazy with our core exercises. Using the “practice, perfect, perform” principle for exceptional movement execution, this workout uncovers the best that progressive strength training has to offer for the ABS. Leave with so many options that your students will be satisfied for years. This session will show you how to teach every exercise for maximum success for every student.

102 – Wake up your Feet and Legs with Yin Yoga (WO) by Waewta Thamphibal (Waew)

Thai Language 

Feet and Legs are the Feet and legs are the foundation of the body. Movement in almost all activities begins in the feet and legs. Relieving tension in the ligaments, fascia in the soles of the feet and legs by Yin Yoga It will help reduce injuries from exercise. As well as promoting better physical performance in sports.

103 – MMA GX (WO) by Nattapong Champachan (Kero)

Thai Language 

MMA Fitness Energy Transformers (FET) is a Fitness program combining mixed martial art types, where the battleship has moved from a cage to the GX room, controlled by the beats of music and driven by a sequence of real techniques to give your clients the results that they are looking for. Join Kero for this session and enjoy!

104 – Les Mills BODYCOMBAT™ Masterclass (WO) by Panuwat Rongbandit (Kelvin) and Anchalee Hengsakulwong (Kib)

Sponsored by Les Mills Asia Pacific

Thai Language 

Kick off your Conference with this awesome 45-minute BODYCOMBAT™ Masterclass! You’ll punch and kick your way to fitness, burning up to 570 calories along the way. This high-energy martial arts-inspired workout is totally non-contact and there are no complex moves to master. Les Mill Instructors will challenge you to up the intensity and motivate you to make the most of every round. You’ll release stress, have a blast and feel like a champ.

105 – HIT the Wall (WO) by Yury Rockit

We often ignore some common tools that are readily available to explore fitness variations and assist us: our own bodyweight and a wall. Come experience creative ideas turning our walls (not mirrors) into different movement experiences for both strength & cardio conditioning applications to enhance mobility. You will learn group & personal training applications of a Wall with progressions & regressions to our bodyweight training.

08:45AM – 9:30AM 

107 – Opening Ceremony 

9:45AM – 11:15AM 

111 – The 30 Functional Patterns (WS) by Peter Twist

In this session, you will learn 10 essential Functional Strength Patterns, 10 Linked Strength Movement Patterns AND 10 Sport Specific Athletic Patterns. Pete will also lead you through how to blend these all into 3D Linked Strength for movement in life and sport. Learn to train your clients to move like athletes!

112 – Active Play (WS) by Supanithi Khumprommarach (Pop)

Thai Language 

Active Play is an exercise class for kids. Fundamental movement skills Training through play for develop Physical literacy and Cognitive Function.

113 – Muscle Building Masterclass (WS) by Martin Refalo

Students will learn about important principles and variables that can be applied to design an effective hypertrophy training program and practical considerations for effective execution of the program on the gym floor. Key learning objectives include understanding the physiology behind muscle hypertrophy, learning how to structure an effective hypertrophy training program, using important programming variables that can help maximise muscle hypertrophy.

114 – Creating the Disneyland Experience (WS) by Mindy Mylrea

Close your eyes and transport yourself to Disneyland. It is early morning, you have arrived early to soak in every minute that this day has in store for you. What magic will unfold today? What amazing moments and memories will this day yield that will live in you forever? Teaching a Group Exercise Class should be nothing short of a day in Disneyland. We all know that preparation will make or break any session and the preparation for the Disney experience goes way beyond knowing your content and getting to the venue early.

115 – Dance Icon Sweat (WS) by Erick Limans and Frans Ferdinand

Join this easy-to-follow dance workout class. The Dance Icon Sweat workout is broken down into parts with Dance & Fitness Choreography.  It is a perfect mix for a total body workout, high intensity, & stress relief. 

116 – Shoulder Solutions for Pain-Free Movement (WS) by Brian Bettendorf

If mobility, strength, or pain are limiting your clients’ ability to train or move the way they want, this session will provide you with practical options that can be used to identify opportunities for improvement in the shoulders and arms.

117 – The Movement Triad – Mobility, Stability and Strength (WS) by Helen Vanderburg

The concepts of Mobility, Stability, and Strength have traditionally been categorized separately when training clients. In this interactive session, learn the most current science and training methods indicating why mobility, stability and strength may be best achieved when they are trained together. Using loaded, barefoot mobility and multidimensional movement techniques, learn movement complexes to enhance function and performance using training tools like tennis balls, Pilates balls, and flat resistance bands.

118 – Gentle Yoga for Back and Spine (WS) by Yuttana Poncharoen (Jimmy)

Thai Language 

This class will offer therapeutic simple, gentle yoga asanas series with 6 directions of spine movements to strengthen, stretch and stabilize the back & spine. Find your healthy, balanced back and spine in this session.

119 – Aligning Diets and Exercise for Results (L) by Fabio Comana

Sponsored by NASM™

Physical transformations require both diet and exercise, but dietary interventions are often misaligned with exercise programs which diminishes chances for success. Understanding energy pathways across intensity and duration is critical to programming success, but this needs to map with macronutrient composition in the diet to optimize results. This session reviews pathways and how macronutrients fuel exercise across intensity and duration. We will then examine various popular dietary interventions, briefly review some of their dietary pros and cons, and then discuss exercise recommendations and modifications for each diet type.

11:15AM – 12:15PM 


12:15PM – 1:30PM 

121 – Steel Mace Fundamentals (WS) by JJ Sweeney

Steel Mace training is a fantastic way to experience how to perform full body workouts, build rotational power, increase shoulder strength and mobility. The Steel Mace is a new piece of training equipment offering off-set weight and unique design, making it an effective fitness tool for building strength, endurance, improving coordination, and firing up your nervous system. You will learn why Steel Mace equipment has become so popular among athletes, fitness professionals, and movement specialists around the world. Join JJ and learn why! 

122 – Fundamentals of Squat Variations (WS) by Jonathan Mike

This session will review the importance of the Squat, its applications, progressions, and variations.
Jonathan will discuss and demonstrate differences between squat biomechanics and other similar movement and their transfer. On completion of this session, you will be able to Identify the common mistakes made with the squat and how to correct them.

123 – Pistol Squat (WS) by Yury Rockit

Pistol Squats can be a fun way to evolve and dimentionalize your squat training with unilateral stances.  Join Yury in this specific skillset acquisition session as he shares his unique & inclusive approach towards learning and practicing the single leg squat, dragon squat, and “sissy” squat. Regardless of where you are in your personal fitness journey, learning a new skill is not just fun but also an exploratory experience of deepening your core strength, coordination, balance, mobility, flexibility, proprioception & so much more. Try it! 

124 – Primal Movement Patterns for Group Fitness (WS) by Angie Miller

Sponsored by NASM™

Forget about complicated choreography and come to experience the joy of movement, the power of play, and the motivation to transform everyday functional exercises – think “bear crawls” and “bodyweight lunges” – into movement sequences that challenge the brain and body. Perfect for all levels of participants, this workshop will help you transform your group experiences.

125 – Step Dance (WS) by Luciano Mottola

The techniques used in this unique session will be the standard phrases and cross-phrases normally used with a mix of asymmetrical and symmetrical products. The final product will produce a very special design in our space, and the energy and motivation generated will make the class a fun with a unique workout approach, Italian style!

126 – Power Training for Functional Aging (WS) by Cody Sipe

Join Cody as he describes the role of muscle power in maintaining functional abilities with advancing age and reviews the scientific evidence regarding the benefits of power training for older adults from frail to fit including those with chronic conditions. You will learn to identify, demonstrate, and practice a variety of exercises using a variety of equipment options to improve muscle power in older adults as well as practical programming recommendations that you can begin using with their clients right away.

127 – Pilates Connection with Bands (WS) by Apittiya Soma (Bom)

Thai Language 

In this session, you will learn to move from standing movements to traditional Pilates exercises using elastic bands to create an internal connection in this special mat workout. Connection with the elastic band allows it to feel like it’s part of your body. 

128 – Managing the Shoulder in Yoga Class (WS) by Claire Norgate

The shoulder is frequently injured, and it is challenging to modify a traditional vinyasa class with continual push-ups to up-dog. This session is packed with useful tips to manage the shoulder while still practicing yoga ‘flow’. We will look at exercises that create strong shoulders while learning to protect them. In this session we will be doing a yoga flow that protects the shoulder, with a focus on the anatomy of shoulder, shoulder movements in yoga practice, protecting the shoulder through balancing strength and mobility of the shoulder. In addition, you will learn a shoulder-protected Yoga flow: a no push-up flow!

129 – Effect of Vitamin D on Athlete Performance (L) by Kriyot Sudsaard (Joe)

Thai Language 

Vitamin D is an essential micro-nutrient that can be soluble in fat. Vitamin D is essential for many physiology functions, such as the absorption of calcium in the digestive tract to help promote bone health, an increase the capacity of skeletal muscles and promoting the functioning of the immune system. Athletes who high intensity training and less exposure to sunlight may be at risk of vitamin D deficiency and affect their performance.

130 – The Art of Coaching (L) by Samuel Schepis

In this presentation I explore what I have learned in my career as a coach and personal training working in the trenches. Key takeaways for this presentation are for delegates to understand the importance of foundational knowledge and skills for coaching, as well as the ‘soft skills’ needed to effectively work with clients. Samuel will highlight the importance of creating unique coaching experiences, and how this can be achieved in practice. Separate yourself from other coaches and maximise positive outcomes for clients through coaching interventions that are individualised and realistic.

2:00PM – 3:15PM 

131 – Olympic Snatch Workout (WS) by Sirapob Puangin (Jib)

Thai Language 

Develop the “Barbell Snatch” a fundamental movement in Olympic weightlifting that is highly complex, yet beneficial for many reasons including power, speed, coordination, and flexibility.

132 – Training Intensity for Muscle Growth (WS) by Martin Refalo

Participants will learn about training intensity and better understand its meaning to create a framework for its application in training muscle hypertrophy. Intensity will be looked at in terms of its two main aspects: load and proximity-to-failure. You will learn how the load lifted during resistance and proximity-to-failure achieved during resistance training both influence muscle hypertrophy.

133 – T-Spine Scapulae Proper Function (WS) by Fabio Comana

Sponsored by NASM™

The thoracic spine and scapulohumeral region provide the most movement within the upper extremity, but they also influence the entire human movement system (HMS). This session discusses and reviews key kinesiological concepts of these regions to help you gain an understanding of functional movement. Learn how to identify proper versus dysfunctional movement and how to implement key corrective exercise techniques to help prevent injury and improve overall movement efficiency.

134 – HIIT Parade (WS) by Mindy Mylrea

Fartlek, Tabata, Little, 30-20-10, 12-8 – positive recovery, negative recovery – longer intervals, shorter intervals, when to use it and when not to. So many options and so little time, what is a trainer to do? Trust Mindy to hold your hand and guide you through the HIIT Parade. First learn the science then strategically put HIIT training to the test. Formulate progressions and principals for success and retention and create great training sessions that matter.

135 – DANCE GLAM by DFN® (WS) by Tony Stone

Created by Tony Stone, this revolutionary dance workout is set to appeal to all that enjoy easy-to-learn movement with truly hot music. It is a fresh new dance fitness class format guaranteed to be the most fulfilling and fun urban commercial class you will ever experience. The outstanding styles of choreography delivered in 25-minute segments are centered around the urban commercial styles of street jazz, dancehall, old school, urban fusion, house dance, one we call “golden glam classic” and more. We are the jam!

136 – The Aging Foot and Movement (WS) by Emily Splichal

Sponsored by Naboso

Every day 10,000 adults turn 65 years old and enter one of the fastest growing age sectors. With the age 65 now oftentimes seen as the new 50, many of these clients are looking to enjoy some of the best days of their lives. However thinning skin, arthritis, neuropathy, and fat pad atrophy can all impede their ability to walk, run and enjoy their favorite activities. Join Podiatrist Dr Emily Splichal as she explores the common changes to the foot and how to offset these changes to enhance movement longevity. 

137 – Pelvic Floor and Core Stability for All Genders (WS) by Helen Vanderburg 

The pelvic floor musculature is deeply linked to lumbo-pelvic stability. In this workshop you will learn the relevance between the anatomical structure of the pelvic floor, discuss common pelvic floor dysfunctions and how this affects stability of the core and hip complex. Explore the importance of pelvic floor training and learn specific, effective exercises to enhance pelvic floor function, sometimes using simple equipment like Pilates balls and loop bands.

138 – YoChi™ Yoga + TaiChi (WS) by Lawrence Biscontini

Join Lawrence as we fuse some Yoga and T’ai Chi in his most famous signature program.  Unlock the chi potential of your body by fusing T’ai-Chi Yang short form sections and adapted held hatha yoga asanas. Reap the benefits of both isometric and isotonic muscular contractions, balance betterment, and improved relaxation through moving meditation coloured with visualization. Our music – specially created for the class – changes between yoga-appropriate music and T’ai Chi-appropriate music, juxtaposed in undulating five-minute segments. Join Lawrence and enjoy! 

139 – Nutrition for Peak Performance (L) by Elizabeth Dene

Having the correct fuel to enhance performance is dependent on the time, type, and duration of exercise. Having a clear understanding of substrate utilisation and which nutrients take priority is essential for both peak performance and recovery. In this session Liz will cover the optimal fueling strategies for a range of sports and activities. You will learn the importance of timing of the key nutrients and which supplements can support training and recovery. We will review the research and look at how some simple changes can enhance overall performance.

3:45PM – 5:00PM 

141 – 12 Techniques to Overload and Build Muscle for Movement (WS) by Peter Twist

Load is one technique, there are 11 more!  Join Pete in this learn-by-doing, highly experiential session and come out having mastered all 12 techniques to overload and build muscle for movement. 

142 – How to Become a Rotational Powerhouse (WS) by Jonathan Mike

Do you want to increase real life rotational power for clients and athletes? Every program out there should be utilizing fundamental rotational power. The rotation of the torso is controlled by the external obliques, internal obliques and multifidi/spinal stabilizers. If rotation is compromised, the brain restricts strength even in the sagittal and frontal planes. Gait patterning and incorporating anterior and posterior slings create explosive performance, so if you lack rotation, performance will suffer as a result. Join this session and examine the science of, and experience the real-life unique application and hands-on experience with many practical and useful movements to use to enhance clients’ rotational power. 

143 – Building Super Glutes (WS) by Dave Liow

Developing athletic performance, keeping injury free, and looking great in a pair of tight jeans are seriously compromised when your glutes aren’t working well.  This session will teach you practical ways to create buns of steel for yourself and your clients.

144 – How to Deliver a GREAT GX Class (WS) by Anchalee Hengsakulwong (Kib)

Thai Language

In this workshop, you will learn how to structure a group exercise class. Learning the benefits of bringing a great experience to your customers in the class, they will feel so great that they will come back to your  class continuously. You will learn how to use various teaching skills  to modify to teach class for all type of customers.

145 – Simetrica (WS) by Sasha Oshkin

Join Sasha and learn a unique system of physical practices, consisting of proportionate combinations of hand and foot movements, gradually increasing in scale and range of motion, and a unique technique of muscle movements for the entire body that will also develop great joint mobility…all while having fun doing it! 

146 – Lower Body Self-care (WS) by Brian Bettendorf and Taeha Kim

If mobility, strength or pain are limiting your or your clients’ abilities to train or move the way you and they want, this session will provide practical options using Stick Mobility that you can use to identify opportunities for improvement in function of your (and your clients’!) hips, legs and feet.

147 – Pilates Flow (WS) by Claire Norgate

People love to move to music. By linking Pilates to a rhythm, we may be able to create a new target market. In this session, we will apply principles of good movement, just in a different format to static, isolated mat Pilates: we will explore creativity​ and link moves together with repetition and flow, all enjoyed with music so that you can focus on pleasure within your Pilates workout​. Learn how to create an entry level class for people who are fitness challenged and how to add a whole new dimension to your classes! 

148 – Yogic Approaches (WS) by Ann-See Yeoh 

Join Ann-See for an in-depth exploration of the various ways to approach yoga in the traditional fitness gym environment. Drawing from years of experience as one of the original International Master Trainers for Les Mills and delivering yoga teacher training, she will give you approaches to pre-choreographed and individual- created yogic experiences. You will use a consistent list of vinyasa choreography and experience both pre-choreographed and individually choreographed approaches to approach the same vinyasa from different yoga perspectives. You’ll see how we match participants to postures in the pre-choreographed flows, and in the other methods, you’ll experience the opposite.

149 – How to Foster Positive Body Image (L) by Krisadee Bodhidatta (Pat)

Thai Language 

A focus on weight and shape alone can trigger body dissatisfaction in our clients, leading to psychological distress and increasing the risks of unhealthy eating behaviours and eating disorders. Having a positive body image is not about changing our physique to love how we look, but appreciating what our bodies can do for us and taking care of our bodies with respect. Fitness professionals are in a great position to actively reduce weight stigma, creating a safe space for all bodies, helping clients improve how they feel – not just how they look – and teaching positive mindful self-care. Join Pat and learn how!

150 – Fitness Marketing Done Right (L) by CJ Lee 

The word “marketing” gets thrown around a lot. It is a word that is loosely defined. Therefore, it can be a challenge to know exactly what to do, how to do it and more importantly, why you do it. Join CJ and define what “marketing” truly is in the context of fitness industry and business. Discover how to avoid 7 deadly mistakes when marketing your fitness business while learning to use a “little known” process that will double your sales – learn to create a 12-month marketing strategy that will grow your sales and improve your reputation.